Department of Developmental Dentistry

We are a multicultural group of individuals representing many countries from all continents. We are a fun, determined team, fully committed to the optimal oral and craniofacial health of a child. This commitment is underscored by our pursuit of excellence in basic, behavioral, transitional, and clinical research in the provision of exemplary clinical care.
Our philosophy of care encompasses the early identification and prevention of oral and craniofacial disease in children, especially those in high-risk groups. Our situation in San Antonio, despite being one of the most pleasant cities to live, represents an enormous challenge, as we are located in an area of significant oral and general health disparity.
We are particularly proud of our faculty who have achieved national and international acclaim in their respective areas of clinical and research expertise. We are also exceedingly proud of our residents who, in addition to outstanding clinical training, have an enviable record of research accomplishments at the national level. Our alumni, who have attained national and international leadership positions, reflect well on our department, and are also a great source of pride. We are ably assisted by an outstanding group of administrative, clinical, and research staff who are valued members of our team.
Predoctoral Pediatric Dentistry
Our predoctoral pediatric dentistry program is designed to train our undergraduate students to meet the oral health needs of the pediatric patient. The didactic component begins with the process of evaluation and diagnosis of the pediatric patient. The course entails a variety of treatment considerations, with special emphasis on how and why therapies differ when caring for an infant, child, and adolescent patient.
Starting in the sophomore year, students have the opportunity to visit and assist in the clinic. The clinical rotations are throughout the junior and senior years. As part of our clinical rotations, students also spend time in small group case discussions. Emphasis is based on clinical practice, using different behavior management techniques, incorporating prevention modalities, and different treatment modalities.
Our predoctoral students also have the opportunity to participate in our summer externship program.
Program Director
Claudia I. Contreras, DDS
Postdoctoral Pediatric Dentistry
The program in pediatric dentistry is designed to offer the advanced students a balanced curriculum in both didactic and clinical areas. Particular emphasis is placed on hospital dentistry, conscious sedation, interceptive orthodontics, and special patient care. The program is administered by the Department of Pediatric Dentistry of the School of Dentistry and is approved and accredited by the Council of Dental Education of the American Dental Association. Upon successful completion of all requirements, the student is awarded a certificate in Pediatric Dentistry and meets the eligibility requirements for the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry.
The program offers a balanced curriculum of clinical and didactic material with the overall goal being to provide a broad base of knowledge in the specialty of Pediatric Dentistry. Considerable program time is devoted to clinical experience in routine restorative dentistry, behavior management, interceptive orthodontics, and dental treatment of the medically compromised. Hospital rotations of general anesthesia and pediatric medicine are also part of the curriculum. Significant time is spent covering didactic material related to pediatric dentistry. In addition, a research project and teaching responsibilities are required components of the program.
Program Director
Maria Cervantes, D.D.S., M.S.