Sixteen (16) semester credit hours (SCH) are required to obtain the Certificate in Biomedical Data Science (CBDS). Students must be admitted to the CBDS Program to be eligible for certification.
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TSCI 5070 (2 SCH) | Responsible Conduct of Patient Oriented Clinical Research |
TSCI 5201 (3 SCH) | Advanced Statistics for Machine Learning Methods |
TSCI 5230 (3 SCH) | Programing for Biomedical Data Science |
CSAT 6005 (1 SCH) | Rigor & Reproducibility |
Year 2 - Spring Semester
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TSCI 6201 (1 SCH) | Data Science Leadership in Healthcare |
TSCI 6202 (2 SCH) | Data Visualization and Real-Time Analytics |
TSCI 6203 (1 SCH) | Practicum in Biomedical Data Science |
TSCI/GSBS Electives (3 SCH) | TBD |
CBDS Elective Courses (may be taken in any semester when offered)
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TSCI 5050 (1 SCH) | Introduction to Data Science |
TSCI 5073 (1 SCH) | Integrating Molecular Biology with Patient Oriented Clinical Research |
TSCI 5074 (2 SCH) | Data Management, Quality Control, and Regulatory Issues |
TSCI 5075 (2 SCH) | Scientific Communications |
TSCI 5077 (1 SCH) | Practicum in Translational Science |
TSCI 5080 (1 SCH) | Practicum in Integrat Molec Biology with Pt-Orient Clinical Research |
TSCI 6060 (2 SCH) | Patient Oriented Clinical Research Methods -2 |
TSCI 6061 (2 SCH) | Patient Oriented Clinical Research Biostatistics -2 |
TSCI 6065 (2 SCH) | Health Services Research |
TSCI 6066 (1 SCH) | Instrument Development and Validation |
TSCI 6067 (1 SCH) | Genomic Healthcare |
TSCI 6100 (1 SCH) | Practicum in IACUC Procedures |
TSCI 6101 (1 SCH) | Topics in Translational Science |
TSCI 6102 (1 SCH) | Practicum in IRB Procedures |