Office of the Institutional Animal Care Program

Supports the IACUC to ensure the humane care and use of laboratory animals.

Services provided to researchers by the OIACP include:

  • Assistance with online animal use applications, amendments, and progress reports, as well as management of study personnel, administrative changes and animal transfers via the Online Research Compliance Assistant (ORCA)
  • Assessment and refinement of research protocols that include the use of animals
  • Guidance on regulatory requirements
  • Guidance on IACUC policy and institutional procedures
  • Assistance with training for study team members involved in animal protocols


Office Staff

Rudy Trevino, MS, CPIA
Director, Animal Research Compliance | (210) 567-8263

Angelique Colby, LVT, RLATG, CPIA
Research Compliance Coordinator-Sr. | (210) 567-8261

Prajjal Singha, PhD, ASCP-MBcm
Research Compliance Coordinator-Sr. |   (210) 567-8262

ALTC building

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Contact Us

Greehy North Campus

Research Administration Building – Room 2.302