User Study
Testing room
Implementing a one-way mirror into the design of a user study room enables researchers to observe and assess user interactions and responses to digital health tools in real time. This approach significantly reduces the stress associated with being observed by researchers, as it does not disrupt the natural behavior or comfort of the participants.

Eye tracking glasses
These glasses offer powerful first-person insights by capturing exactly what the wearer sees, in any context. This capability allows researchers to observe and analyze human behavior in authentic environments, providing a window into the natural interactions, gaze patterns, and focal points of individuals as they engage with their surroundings.

Screen based Eye tracker
The data collected from screen-based eye tracking can reveal valuable information about how people process information, make decisions, and interact with digital environments, making it a powerful tool in both clinical and research settings.

Mobile Usability testing
A document camera is an invaluable tool in mobile usability testing, offering a unique solution to capture real-time interactions with mobile devices. This setup allows researchers to record detailed, high-resolution videos of how test participants use a smartphone or tablet, including their finger movements, gestures, and overall device handling.