Doctoral Program Characteristics
Doctor of Nursing Practice: BSN to DNP - Nurse Anesthesia characteristics
Graduation stats
Number of doctoral degrees awarded per year
The number of doctoral degrees awarded per year for each of the 3 most recent years.
National Certification Pass Rate | Pending |
Graduation rates
Percentage of doctoral students who graduated within 10 years for each of the 3 most recent years. Graduation rates are based on the methodology used in the Accountability System, which uses CBM001 data to identify students beginning a program at a specified time and uses CMB009 data to track students from that cohort who graduate within the following 10-year period.
Graduates | Pending |
Attrition Rate | Pending |
Average time to degree
The average of graduates' time to degree for each of the most recent 3 years. For each academic year, "time to degree" is defined as beginning the year students matriculated with a doctoral degree objective until the year they graduated.
36 month Full-time Degree | |
Employment profile
The number and percentage of graduates employed in their field within one year of graduation, those still seeking employment, and unknown for each of the 3 most recent years. Employment includes full-time self-employment, private practice, residency, fellowship, and other opportunities for further training or education.
Six Month Graduation Employment Rates | Pending |
Student stats
Percentage of full-time students
The fall semesters' number of full-time student equivalents divided by the headcount number of students enrolled for each of the 3 most recent years. Definition of "full-time student" is 18 semester credit hours per year.
No students at this time |
Faculty stats
Faculty teaching load
The total number of semester credit hours in organized teaching courses taught per academic year by core faculty divided by the number of core faculty for each of the 3 most recent years. Organized classes include lecture, laboratory, and seminar courses.