Cancer Biology

A discipline of Ph.D. in Integrated Biomedical Sciences

The Cancer Biology discipline is a vibrant community of successful researchers and educators with expertise across the spectrum of bench research to bedside application. The Cancer Biology discipline provides students and fellows rigorous training in fundamentals of cancer biology and translational aspects of cancer research including drug development, prevention and treatment. Our National Cancer Institute (NCI) designed cancer center provides students the opportunity to closely interact with physician scientists. We have Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas and NCI T32 training grants. In addition, our students successfully compete in NCI pre-doctoral fellowships; publish in high impact journals and pursue successful careers at top-tier academic institutes and industries.   

Cancer cells


  • Bachelor's degree or a Master's degree and relevant advance coursework
  • GPA of 3.0 or above
  • Submit transcripts to Office of the Registrar

Tuition and fees

Students receive a stipend of $35,000. Tuition, fees, and basic student health insurance are covered by the program.


The Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences is proud to partner with the Texas Higher Education Board in helping students develop and build on skills employers value and seek out in job candidates.

Career Paths and Marketable Skills

Kristin Altwegg, 2nd year student

I chose the Cancer Biology discipline because of the interdisciplinary and collaborative environment which fosters innovative translational approaches to improve cancer patient outcomes and survivorship.

Kristin Altwegg, 2nd year student